Uploaded Some Photos during Cuti2 LonDon..Nak tgk lagi sila go to my facebook page..huhu..Some more ada kat my Bro In Law..Da dapat nanti i'll upload later k..

View dari dlm Boeing

Boeing's LeFt WinG

DinnEr Kat Cni..

In Halal ResTauRanT

WaiTer Cum CasHieR Cum CheF..;)

The 5 Of Us~

Susah betul Nak Maintain Bergambar

LonDon ToWeR BriDge


They are Reading the Map SeriouSly..huhu..
Zifa : perasan tak pen tu? Dtg dari Australia..jalan sampai ke London..huhu

Opposite Buckingham PalaCe

AmiRuL With His toY Bus

Sampai jgk hajat aku nak bergambar ngan phone BootH ni..huhu..

I don't know who is he..

@ the Park..tah apa nama park ni..byk sgt park pegi..

We said "BEST!"
AmiruL punya best mmg style gitu..huhu

The tourist GuiDe

In front of Kak Ngah's Lab

Inside the Lab

Kat tangga pun boleyy..=p


1st Accomodation..hehe..

SangaT ComeL ini budak..

Cheese lagi..!

Shy Shy Cat..hehe

KuTip Jangan Tak KuTiP..


Videos nanti aku update..byeee!